


Breed: Potbelly Pigs and Alpaca
Age: 20 yrs (Bertrum)
8-10 (Betty + Bernard)
11 yrs old (Dolly)
Weight: ~115 lbs
Color: Varied
These 4 came to us from a hoarding case, where they and 60 or so other pigs had been left pretty much on their own, having to fend for themselves to find food and the only water source was a pond, covered mostly in green scum. We took these 4 because they were in the worst shape out of all of them.
Dolly had previously been infected with Meningeal worms and survived! Because of this, she has a pretty unique way of walking (a little bit sideways, like a crab!) and if she lays down the wrong way, she'll get stuck and will need some help getting up. We're guessing that she's about 12 years old or so, but unfortunately don't have any way to really tell.
Bertrum is the old man of the group and we're guessing that he's about 20 yrs old. He's a pretty vocal grumpy old man and does require gabapentin daily and has been getting a monthly injection of Adequan. He's got very flat feet that's most likely the result of arthritis and his hooves not being properly taken care of.
Betty and Bernard are the friendly duo of the group and are the two who actually enjoy when they get attention, rather than just tolerating it like the other two. When they first came to us, Betty had been so overweight that she was fat-blind, so she's been on a weight loss program and is at a good and healthy weight now!
Bernard is an absolute sweetheart who is ready to go with the flow, whatever's happening, and is just a really chill dude overall. He is also on gabapentin to help with some general aches and pains, but other than that, he's very easy going.
These 4 have gone through a lot together, so our goal is to find a sanctuary or home that is able to take all 4 of them so they can stay together.
If that's you, click the link below to fill out an adoption application!