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Breed: DSH

Age: 7 months old

Color: Orange Tabby with White Markings

Indoor/Outdoor? Indoor only!






Are you looking for a chill cat to hang out while you’re binging your newest show or someone who will curl up next to you as you settle down with a good book? Then check out Tiny!


This sleepy kitten is the chillest of his whole family and is constantly seeking out the best napping spots. He’s willing to share with anyone else who wants to cuddle with him, but he makes sure he’s got the best spot he possibly can. And considering he started his life as a part of a feral colony, we’re not going to begrudge him any spot he wants!


Tiny (who originally lived up to his name, but not so much any more) is also the calmest of his siblings, which isn’t really a surprise, because being active would mean leaving the cozy spot he’s got. He can be drawn out into playing, but he is a bit more particular over which toy he wants to play with and can take some extra time to decide the game is worth getting up for. 


Based on how Tiny’s been since he’s been here with us, we have a feeling he isn’t going to be a super outgoing cat and will probably hide whenever there are strangers around, but we also have a feeling he’s going to be a big fan of curling up together on the couch or bed and having a relaxing evening, happily coexisting together. 


Tiny has done well with all of the cats we’ve had in the room with him and does great with his brother, Sparkles, and while we would love for them to go into a home together, they’re not bonded, so we would be okay placing them in different homes as long as there were other feline friends for them in those homes. 


Tiny is up to date on his vaccines, neutered, and microchipped, so he’s all set to move into his forever home! If you think you are that home, you should fill out an adoption application for him by clicking on the link below or reach out if you have any questions!

We are grateful to have had several wonderful photographers donate their time and skill to photograph our animals and their lives here. While many photos on our site were taken by WRAS Staff Members, others were taken by:

Tischman Pets Photography, @tischmanpets,

Mike Barr, @mikebarrphotography,

Thunder Ridge Images,

Mark Liflander, @liflanderphotography

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