Chewy is a labradoodle who came to us as an owner surrender when he was 3 years old. As loved as he was in his previous home, it was not the right fit for him. The family had many children and unfortunately over the years Chewy had several instances where he nipped at children, at times breaking the skin. When he first came to us our hope was that he would be suitable for adoption to an adult only family. Unfortunately, after keeping him for the last month working with him and thoroughly evaluating his behavior to determine if he is a dog that would be safe to rehome, we have made the decision to have him remain with us as a permanent resident dog.
Chewy is a very sweet, affectionate and gentle dog most of the time, but he has clear boundaries that he needs to have respected, and he does not always give enough warning prior to snapping if one of those boundaries is crossed
Our job is to make sure that for the rest of Chewy's life he is happy, enriched, loved, and safe. He loves other dogs and helps us to dog test in-coming dogs as we prepare them for adoption. He also loves to play fetch and is easily entertained with simple tennis balls. Chewy loves the water and often dips his toes in the ponds on our farm.
Many will look at Chewy and wonder why we made the decision not to adopt out such a beautiful dog. Our job is to be as responsible as possible when looking to rehome a dog with a bite history. We have had dogs come to us with bite histories caused by behavior we felt was completely manageable and predictable in a home environment with the right family match, and we have been able to successfully adopt them out. We had hoped that would be the case for Chewy, but unfortunately he does not give the proper signals prior to reacting defensively for us to be able to teach an adoptive family how to safely manage his behavior. It is best that he remains with us so that he is handled and managed by professionals on a day to day basis.