Age: Gaston is 5 years old, LeFou is 2 years old Species/Breed: Goats, Gaston is a mixed breed and LeFou is a Pygmy goat. Intake Reason: Owner Surrender Ideal Home: Must be adopted together!
Lumiere and Cogsworth
Age: Both are about 2 years old Species/Breed: Nigerian Dwarf Goats Intake Reason: Owner Surrender Ideal Home: Must be adopted together!
Kuzsco and Kronk
Age: Kuzsco is 12 years old, Kronk is 5 years old Species/Breed: Both are mixed breed goats Intake Reason: Owner surrender Ideal Home: Must be adopted together and with Yzma!
Age: 7 years old Species/Breed: Nigerian Dwarf Goat Intake Reason: Owner Surrender Ideal Home: Must be adopted with Kuzco and Kronk!